Mamlaka na Majukumu za Bodi
Mamlaka na Majukumu za Bodi
The College Governing Board which meets four times a year performs the following functions:
- To formulate policies of the College.
- To govern and control the management of the College.
- To authorize curricular of studies for award of prestigious “ndc” symbol and other academic programmes of the College.
- To prescribe the terms and conditions which must be fulfilled before the award of the prestigious “ndc” symbol to any graduate of the College.
- To describe welfare of College Staff and course members of the College.
- To endorse the College budget proposals.
- To prescribe tuition fees payable by the course members to the College.
- To establish other wings whenever needs arises; and
- To do all such other acts which are necessary or expedient for the proper discharge of its functions and functions of the College under this Instrument.