The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) is a regulatory body established under the Public Procurement Act,2004 as repealed by the Public Procurement Act,2011.The Authority is charged with regulatory functions and vested with oversight powers and responsibilities on all public procurement activities carried by all public bodies in the mainland Tanzania.
The objectives of PPRA are to ensure the application of fair, competitive, transparent, non-discriminatory and value for money procurement standards and practices; set standards for the public procurement systems in United Republic of Tanzania; monitor compliance of procuring entities;and build ,in collaboration with Public Procurement Policy Division and other relevant professional bodies, procurement capacity in the United Republic.
Our Vision: "A public procurement system with integrity, offering best Value for Money"
Our Mission: "To regulate public procurement system and promote best practices in order to attain best value for money and other desired socio-economic outcomes"
Mr. Dennis K. Simba
Director General